Laser Cutting for Optics and Glasses.

Optics is a branch of science that studies the behavior and properties of lights. Optics can also describe the behavior of visible, ultraviolet and infrared light. Lasers have been used for centuries for cutting glass and plastic. Laser cutting is used in multiple applications of manufacturing and can be used on a variety of materials including plastic, wood, glass, rubber, and metal.

Originally, laser cutting was used in creating intricate metal parts for machinery. Now laser cutting is used on everything from etching glass to making rubber stamps. Laser cutting has steadily advanced with the incorporation of CAD, Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape and other computer programs that direct the laser. Laser cutting is done with many different methods and computer formats. There are many advantages to using laser cutters. One advantage is laser cutting uses less energy when cutting glass compared to waterjetting. Laser cutting is also more precise than waterjetting. It allows for more flexible movements and free flowing curves, sharp lines, and complex shapes. There is no need for specialized training in laser cutting.
